EFO Er femtosecond fiber laser system
Ultra-short pulse duration down to 50 fs
Average power up to 250 mW
Pulse energy up to >4 nJ
RF sync output
High long-term stability

1. General
The EFO fiber femtosecond lasers offer robust and stable operation without the need for constant realignment. The low cost and stability of fiber-based femtosecond lasers mean that even beginner research labs can have a femtosecond pulse source without the need for expensive or complicated equipment. This brings ultrafast research into the realm of undergraduate and other educational environments.
With pulse lengths of 80 fs at 1550 nm, the EFO-80/10 ultrafast fiber laser can be used as a seed source for femtosecond fiber amplifiers. The versatile EFO-250/50 can find its application in a large number of applications where longer fs and ps pulses are required, while the most powerful EFO-100/250 is able to produce enough power at 100-fs pulse durations for many power-demanding complex femtosecond research setups.
The system offer hands-off turn-key operation with internal temperature stabilization. The laser has a built-in reference HF output (SMA) and service optical output that can be used to trigger external devices and synchronize other equipment to the pulse train.
If a dual output is necessary the system can be modified for two outputs with different power ratios.
2. Specifications
3. Modifications
-Dxx/xx – dual outputs with different power ratios (i.e. EFO-250/50-D50/50).
4. Applications
Supercontinuum generation
Semiconductor device testing
Amplifier systems seeding
Terahertz generation and detection
Multi-photon microscopy
Frequency metrology
Ultrafast spectroscopy
“Pump-probe” spectroscopy
Optical coherent tomography