TeMa Yb femtosecond diode-pumped solid-state laser system
Output power >6 W at 1050 nm
Optional SHG with >3 W at 525 nm output
Small footprint
Integrated pump source
Short pulse duration <100 fs
Highly stable
Self-starting of femtosecond regime

1. General
The Yb-doped TeMa laser radiates at around 1-um wavelength with high average power, enabling the user to enjoy Ti:S-like power ratings at over-micron wavelengths. This design features integrated pump diode module for greater system stability and turn-key operation. The solid-bulk body of the laser ensures maximum rigidity, while self-starting design provides for easy “plug-and-play” operation.
Two basic models differ in pulse duration and output average power: the TeMa-100 model features optimized pulse duration, while the TeMa-150 outputs maximum average power. An optional SHG extension provides powerful fs radiation in visible range, and an optional pulse compressor enables 15-fs pulse width generation.
The Tema’s high average power will be indispensable if your microscope or other optical setup has low optical throughput but you still need to get some power to that sample or if you need to penetrate deeper into the tissue and focus under the surface.
2. Specifications
3. Modifications
-PRE – adds a built-it precompensator unit that allows introduction of negative dispersion to your setup to
compensate for dispersion in different microscopes and home-built optical setups. See APC page for details.
-CH – re-circulating chiller option
-External compressor down to <15 fs (optional)
4. Applications
MPE microscopy
Nonlinear microscopy
Generation of THz radiation
Supercontinuum generation
OCT (optical coherent tomography)
Time-resolved spectroscopy
Pump-probe spectroscopy
Material processing
Seed oscillator for amplifier systems
5. FAQ
Q.Do I need a chiller for proper laser operation?
A. Tap water supply may be used to stabilize the system, but in this case we cannot guarantee the quoted stability. We recommend purchasing the –CH chiller option (see below) or using an existing lab chiller. Under room temperature the systems do not produce much heat to dissipate; the chiller is mainly required for stabilization purposes. If the laser and the chiller are operated around room temperature, then <200 W heat dissipation capacity at 25 C is required from the chiller unit.
Two connection tubes are provided with the laser.
Q.What equipment might be required to work with a fs laser?
A. Here is the list of components that are not absolutely necessary, but might be very handy while working with a femtosecond laser on different experiments:
Power meter for control of output power value.
Interferometric autocorrelator for measurement of pulse duration with time resolution better than 10 fs. We offer our AA-10DD and AA-M autocorrelators.
Fast photodiode with 400 MHz oscilloscope to display the temporal structure of output radiation.
Pulse compressor to introduce negative dispersion to fs pulses that further will be compensated by positive dispersion in optical elements of a microscope. We offer our APC pulse compressor for this purpose.
Infrared sensor card for observation of weak IR luminescence.
Infrared viewer.
6. RFQ Hints
Just some quick hints before you send us an RFQ:
Custom repetition rates are available upon request if you require something different than 70 MHz.
Decide if you require an optional SHG modification unit.
Equip your system with modifications if necessary.