LF-100 Cr:F CW Solid-State Femtosecond Laser System
Tuning 1210-1290 nm
10 cm-1 linewidth
>400 mW of typical output power
Integrated pump laser
Custom output power >700 mW@1250 nm

1. General
The LF-100 is a chromium-forsterite continuous-wave tunable laser system with wavelength range from 1210 to 1290 nm. The linewidth is limited by 10 cm-1 while the output power is >400 mW (with 10 W pump). The system is suitable for various microscopic and spectroscopic applications in the IR region.
The system can also be equipped with a 10 W integrated pump laser (LF-100P).
2. Specifications
3. Modifications
-HPxx/xx – high output power (up to 1W).
4. Applications
Microscopy in IR field
5. RFQ Hints
Just some quick hints before you send us an RFQ:
– Custom output power ratings are available, please enquire.
6. PDF & Extras
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