CrF chromium-forsterite femtosecond laser system
Wavelength range: 1230-1270 nm
>800 mW output power
Integrated pump laser
Electronic starter
Pulse energy >20 nJ at 30 MHz
Electromagnetic starter or SESAM models

1. General
The CrF chromium-forsterite laser offers a unique active media that produces femtosecond pulses around 1250 nm. The laser features an integrated Peltier TC with control unit for cooling the crystal to lower temperatures for higher average power generation and precise temperature control. Three models of the laser feature SESAM self-starting with a fixed wavelength operation and one model with an electromagnetic starter offers wavelength tunability.
The CrF includes a built-in 15-W fiber pump laser and control unit. The 1250 nm region offers new horizons for microscopy or human tissue studies where fs pulses conquer new heights each year. CW version of the CrF is available separately as the LF-100 laser. The CrF laser can also be used as a seed oscillator for building high-power Cr:F amplifiers also offered by our company.
2. Specifications
3. Modifications
-PRE – adds a built-it precompensator unit that allows introduction of negative dispersion to your setup to compensate for dispersion in different microscopes and home-built optical setups. See APC page for details.
-CH – re-circulating chiller option
4. Applications
MPE microscopy in IR field
5. RFQ Hints
Just some quick hints before you send us an RFQ:
– Custom output power ratings are available, please enquire.